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Production Services Survivor Nordics & Hungary 2021

FNJ for Turbo Kultur - Germany
Energy: A group of people doing the same thing at the same time, all of them completely convinced of what they are doing, is an impressive amount of energy, a magical and wonderful power. It is very difficult to achieve and leads to a satisfaction that is always reflected in the final product, no matter its nature.
Reliability: Be ready to grow, to increase, to give more. Be qualified to support the quality of the services through time and despite difficulties.
Identity: Working by the book, according to rules, codes, regulations, habits and agreements within the market and the industry. Creative solutions to achieve effective optimization. An own way of doing things, optimizing the existing experience, learning and improving. Considering the company, its employees, clients, consumers, vendors, the community, comptrollers, organisms, governmental institutions, colleagues, competitors.
High Quality Standards: Efficiency + Effectiveness = Productivity. Be up to the requests and needs of the clients and the consumers.
Flexibility: Ductility & Versatility. Made-to-measure. Design according to the needs of each project.
Hospitality & Concierge: Catering, Restaurants, Excursions and Trips.
Locations: Scouting, Permits Film Commissions, TAX Incentives.
Bilingual Top Crews: High quality professionals in each field.
Complete Technical Equipment:
Betaplus, Reality Makers.
Hotels, Transportation, Flights.
Full Product Services "Tailor Made"
JUST J is an audiovisual production company with a wide international presence, a leader in the segment of making reality programs for television.
With an extensive client portfolio (Warner, Itv, Banijay, Endemol, among others), it provides production services in various markets of the global entertainment industry.
It’s team of professionals with extensive expertise; led by its CEO Julieta Camarda who’s a veteran in the industry with over 25 years of experience, applies all its knowledge, energy, reliability and flexibility to achieve the highest quality standards.
They trusted us